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How to develop a stronger content marketing strategy in 2020

How to develop a stronger content marketing strategy in 2020

Content marketing is a highly competitive industry to work in, and 2020 might be the most demanding year so far, as the need for quality content is never-ending. Creating content involves a lot of creative people delivering their best write-ups every day. Not to mention the technical side and knowledge that needs to be taken care of and used correctly. You need to be consistent in implementing best practices if you desire to stay on top of the food chain. Let’s talk about how you can help yourself in taking yet another step forward in developing a strong content marketing strategy.

 Set a proper mission and vision goal


Defining your goals for the year is of most importance to be successful in any kind of business. It is like redefining what your company is. It is a knowledge that you need to have to move forward. Content needs to have a defined purpose. Ask yourself what for you are creating and what results are you hoping for.

Once you establish your answers, you need to build your content strategy around your vision and mission statement. Analyse your internal processes, and don’t ever assume you have already the most effective ones implemented. The business evolves, and your job is to catch up. Most importantly, you should revise your goals at least once a year. Content marketing is a dynamic industry, so you need to make sure your goals stay relevant.

Know your audience

You already know why you are writing, and the next natural question is, who are you writing for? Research on your audience is necessary to provide successful content. Collecting information in your niche, knowing what your audience favourite sites and social media channels are, you need to be aware of all these aspects. You can use one of Google tools and enable Demographics and Interests reports, to get precise information about your audience. This report, along with Google Analytics, will help you define who your public is, and help you create content that they would like to see.

Audit your results

Content marketing requires you to measure your performance frequently. It is the only way to be able to assess if your strategy is effective. If you think you already analyse your result often enough, you are wrong. Run A/B split tests to know which title to use, what click to action to use, and what kind of content works best for you. Measure anything you think needs assessment. A weekly or a monthly audit of your results should be enough to keep you on top of the race, but without measurements producing content will feel like shooting in the blind. And there is no place for this kind of risk if you want to have a strong strategy.

The secret in hedgehog content model

If we are talking about making your strategy for content marketing stronger, the topic of the hedgehog model must come up. It is all about scaling your business because you want your business not only to be effective but also to grow systematically. This model requires you to start small, and gradually work your way up. There are five steps within the model to help you grow. They are:

  • Content plan

  • Content audit

  • Production plan

  • Performance measures

  • Distribution plan

If you manage to follow all of them while creating your strategy, you should be sure it will end up being the strongest one you ever made. The hedgehog model insists on you being focused on small goals first and making them SMART.


It is an absolute crime to forget about the work that you have already put in to make your business a success. You have these great articles that are top quality, yet nobody seems to care anymore, including you. Well, that is about to change, as you are officially invited to update your old content to up to date standards. Go back, check your links and the accuracy of your content. Make your articles last longer with a few changes, and make them work to your advantage.

Ask for feedback

If you want your strategy to be effective, you can’t create it just by yourself. You need help, but not only from online tools but also from all key stakeholders of your company. This includes asking for feedback from your clients, audience and employees. Think of ways to get your stakeholders engaged in upgrading your business. A survey, a call, meeting or maybe all of them? People tend to be reluctant in expressing negative comments, and you need them to improve. Make sure you give your stakeholder space to speak up and listen very carefully to what they have to say. Your employees or clients sometimes know better what is best for the future of your business than you do.

Get used to the evolution

Survival is nothing more than the ability to adapt to any obstacles you might face. In content marketing, you need to get used to your business continually evolving if you want to stay afloat. Content marketing is a part of two bigger industries, tech and marketing, and both of them change significantly often. One day you are in, the next one you are out.

Flexibility within your strategy is something you must assume, as it can basically expire every day. The developments in the industry are coming, so make sure to follow the latest finding and techniques, not to get surprised. Having the most current information and taking it into account when it comes to creating a strategy is crucial for the success of your business.

Developing a content marketing strategy is definitely a challenge that all executives face at the beginning of the year. To do it right, make sure to get the most knowledge you can and analyse every aspect of your business possible. Once you gather all the data, put it to use, and create a framework for your company.

Deliver the strongest strategy you ever created and win over your audience with excellent content.

Natalia Kołkowska
