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How to develop a stronger content marketing strategy in 2020

Content marketing is a highly competitive industry to work in, and 2020 might be the most demanding year so far, as the need for quality content is never-ending. Creating content involves a lot of creative people delivering their best write-ups every day. Not to mention

Content marketing strategy for travel niche blogs

Everyone can become a blogger these days, but not everyone can be a successful one. In fact, it’s getting harder every year. It’s not enough to choose a niche you’re good at - you have to do something to stand out, especially if you pick

Tips to becoming a micro-influencer on social media

Humans, by nature, are inter-social and inter-dependent beings. And because of that, there are tendencies for people to influence or be influenced. The famous quote that says; "show me your friend, and I will tell you who you are," only goes to buttress the fact